Current Weight: 175.4
Lost so far: 34.6
Pounds to go: 15.4
Yes, I am up 3 pounds over yesterday. We took a day off from the every day of being good and since I am down over 35 pounds I'm ok with getting a couple back. Mostly it's probably water weight tied to that many carbs and the upcoming cycle, along with just the weight of the food itself because no one can gain 3 'real pounds' in 1/2 a day. In any event, I am back on my better habits today and the number can start falling again.
Okay, so Biggest Loser is over and I need motivation again. So, I'm going to try a 2 week challenge against myself. If I complete it (meaning I do the exercises specified for each day) then I get a little money to go shopping for a cute pair of shoes or a pair of jeans.
I found this list from Prevention magazine (found it on Pinterest, of course) and it's worth a shot so here we go. 'A Days' are M/W/F and 'B Days' are Tu/Th/Sa. Since Zumba is on Tu/Th I will substitute that for the cardio on those days.
What are you challenging yourself with right now?
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