Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Original Weight Goal

Current Weight: 160.0
Lost so far: 50.0
Pounds to go: 5.0

I have officially lost 50 pounds! You may remember that my original goal was 160 pounds and I'm so proud that I've hit it.  I revised it a few months ago to shoot for 155 and a 21% body fat (on my way) but this first goal is a number that I have not seen since 1998.  Yup, 15 years!

I went from here:

To here:

In 9 months I've gone from obese to fitter than I've been in 15 years. I can chase down the dog when it escapes out the front door and not have to use the car to catch her anymore. I can run alongside my kids while teaching them to ride their bikes. I can hike 10 miles and enjoy it. I'm going to do a 5K in a month. I am so stinkin' happy today.

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